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Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are vital to our organization. Without our volunteers it would be incredibly hard to keep the rescue going. They are the backbone to Carter’s Rescue and we are always so appreciative of their time. Volunteering with Carter’s Rescue can be as little as a few hours a month or a few days a week, its flexible to your schedule and of course the dogs!

Volunteers help in a number of different ways so if you feel you have the right skills and time we would love to hear from you. We are always looking for those who are able to transport dogs, who can spend time with and walk our pups and those who like to do the mucky jobs- kennel cleaners!

If you think you can spare some time to make a difference, Please Contact Us

A note from one of our volunteers:  why I volunteer for Carter’s Forever Rescue and Sanctuary.

Because of Dakota.


Dakota is our six year old German shepherd/lab. Before we got Dakota I was never much of an animal person. Sure, I liked animals, but i never really understood when someone was so completely heartbroken and devastated when their dog or cat died. Of course I felt empathy, but i never really got it, I never understood those feelings. To me, it was ‘just a dog.’ Until we got Dakota.

Dakota was eight weeks old when we brought her home. She made her mark, quite literally, on our kitchen floor. I remember thinking, is this what it’s going to be like every day, cleaning up piles of runny poop. Some days it was. Other days it was running along side her, willing her to somehow understand to walk properly on a leash. Some days it was cuddling up to her and breathing in that soft, puppy fur. Other days it was laughing at her wobbly, too big for her paws and her total lack of coordination.

Slowly, i saw that she had this personality. This hilarious, heartwarming, affectionate personality. I saw that she had feelings. She quickly responded to our low disapproving tones of whatever mischief she was currently pursuing. She could feel fear, happiness, excitement and anxiety. She wasn’t just an animal, one you could easily discard because she was ‘just a dog.’ She was timid, beautiful, curious, excited, anxious, hilarious, our Dakota. She was ours, and we were so lucky. Those deep, brown saucer like eyes stared into mine and I knew she wasn’t ‘just a dog.’ Dakota showed me the personalities of other dogs when we took frequent trips to the local dog park and I realized that all around me were these great pups, each so different.

Suddenly, i understood. When I remembered my feelings all those years ago, how it was ‘just a dog’ I couldn’t imagine ever feeling that way again. I finally understood how people felt when their beloved dog passed away. I finally appreciated their feelings of sadness and that it wasn’t ‘just a dog.’ It wasn’t just an animal.
That is why I volunteer at Carter’s. Because of Dakota. She opened my eyes to this crazy, amazing dog world. She helped me to understand the personalities of these hilarious fur balls. I volunteer for Carter’s because Dakota showed me a different side to dogs I hadn’t seen before. She is the reason I love volunteering for an organization like Carter’s. One that tirelessly works so hard to give dogs the best life possible. An organization that goes above and beyond. They work on such small manpower but they still continue to do the work that they love to do. That’s why I volunteer at Carter’s, as I recognize that my small part in helping out, really does help out and make a difference. It doesn’t matter if I can help out for five minutes a day or spend a whole weekend volunteering my time, as I know it’s helping those beautiful, hilarious dogs, and that’s all that counts. That’s what Dakota showed me.


8 Responses to "Volunteers Needed"

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    Beverley McMullan-Kungl
    September 17, 2015 - 12:16 pm Reply

    What a beautiful story. I'm sorry Dakota is no longer with you….she sounds like she was an amazing dog!!!

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    Anita Hansley-Aenishaenslin
    May 21, 2016 - 3:47 pm Reply

    Heart warming…brought tears to my eyes….so beautiful that you could see into the beauty of a dog….

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    Sharon Bradshaw
    June 15, 2017 - 5:04 pm Reply

    Such a beautiful story. I lost my best friend about a month ago. His name was Max and he was a Border Collie. I had him for almost 16 years and they were the greatest years too. I am very interested in volunteering and can give some of my free time and love to all of the pets there. I don’t even mind the dirty work. Please contact me.

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      June 30, 2017 - 7:46 am Reply

      Hi Sharon.

      Please contact Cindi@cartersrescue.com she will gladly find some stuff for you to help out with. We greatly appreciate your offer!!

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    February 8, 2018 - 3:36 pm Reply

    I am sorry for both of your losses, I lost my beautiful Bichon in December. Although Cobi was not first dog, he became mine due to my Mom going in a home. I already had a rescue of my own. A few years after getting Cobi, my wonderful Lacie, a Shepherd/Pitbull, cross had to be put down due to Lung cancer and Cobi filled that void. I had not been without a dog in 50 yrs. Anyone who calls them “just a dog” has not truly looked into their eyes and cried into their fur. Because your dog will read your mind, cuddle into you, lick your tears away and understand those tears are not for only a day. When you can’t eat or care about most things, your dog will make you walk and meet other people, not think about yourself for awhile. I turned to Carters and adopted Tilley (renamed to Molly). She is a smooth haired fox terrier. She wakes me up by finding my face under the covers and swatting me in the head wit her tiny paws. She has 15 toys in her toy box that all have to be out on the floor. I try picking one up while she is playing with another toy and she runs over like a kid and snatches it away from me. she paws me when it’s time to go out and even brought me her coat today. she jumps at the tub with dg food in it when the time comes, 8:30 and 6:00. How can you not laugh to yourself. She curls in the crease of my legs to sleep, or beside me while I’m reading the paper…Be good to yourself and adopt a RESCUE. JO Little

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    February 25, 2018 - 11:27 am Reply

    I would like to help out by volunteering on weekends. Where are you located? What isthe process to apply?

    Thank you,

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      March 1, 2018 - 7:18 am Reply

      HI Witty.

      You can contact Brenda 705-641-1090 She can coordinate some time for you to come in. Thank you so much for your offer of help.

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    Bree Plested
    July 2, 2021 - 10:33 pm Reply

    Hey! i’m interested in volunteering!!! i’m a 14 year old looking for something to do that involves dogs because i absolutely love dogs and i can walk them and clean kennels or whatever you need me to do… i’d work any day i’m available if you need someone. i’m a very hard worker and would love it if you wanted me to volunteer!

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